Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seminar intro

In my 7th grade seminar class we had to choose a mythilogical creature and collect some info on it.Since I could not find a creature I was interseted in I decided to choose a Greek God that we had formally learned about.
Greek God: Poseidon
Poseidon is the Greek God that has power over the ocean.
His Roman name is Neptune which is the most common name; expecially if you watch "The Little Mermaid."
Poseidon also had many affairs and had many children.
His children weren't mortal or immortal.He had married one person who he later decided he did not love and turned her into a snaked haired women.Follow my posts as I tell more about my Greek God. :):):):)
Do you think that Poseidon is interesting???
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Who is Poseidon ?
(d) I don't know and I don't care!


Hey y'all hope you like my blogs!!!!!!!!!!!